Peer Review Process
Peer reviewers and the editorial board assess the manuscript to be published in YKP Journal. The entire review process is carried out as a double-blind review. The Editor-in-Chief and the editorial board handle all correspondence with the author and decide whether the article can be recommended for acceptance, rejection, or returned to the author for revision (reviewer comments are also sent anonymously to the appropriate author to take the necessary actions and responses).
Internal journals (Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board) and external journals (reviewers according to scientific fields) carry out the peer review process. The editor-in-chief and the editorial board will evaluate the submitted manuscript at the prequalification stage to determine its suitability for further review. Any submitted manuscript that passes this step will be checked for plagiarism (maximum 15%) before being further reviewed by reviewers. Two qualified reviewers (according to the field of review and title of the article) selected by the editorial board will evaluate the manuscript. Peer reviewers should review the manuscript and return it with their recommendations to the Editor-in-Chief and the editorial board as soon as possible (maximum 4 weeks). The Editor-in-Chief and the editorial board decide whether to accept or reject the manuscript.
Manuscripts that require revision will be returned to the author, and the author must return the revised manuscript to YKP Journal (maximum 2 weeks). The Editor-in-Chief sends the revised manuscript to the Editorial Board to check if the manuscript is revised in accordance with the advice of the peer reviewer. The Editorial Board may recommend to the Editor-in-Chief that the manuscript be returned to the author, accepted, or rejected within two weeks. Finally, the decision to revise the manuscript will be evaluated in a meeting of the editorial board based on the reviewer's recommendation from several possibilities: rejected, requiring major revision, requiring minor revision, or accepted. The Editor-in-Chief will send the author an acceptance letter announcing the publication and a manuscript reprint.